Sunday, January 24, 2010

Obama Preparing for Do-Over as Republicans and Tea Partiers Celebrate Victories

As the Tea Party Movement celebrates the progress their influence is having on recent elections in New York, Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts the President wants to press the reset button. He has lured his former Campaign Manager, David Plouffe, to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to manage the fall elections and stop the Democrats from bleeding seats in the House and Senate in the fall.

The Tea Party Movement has played a major role in the three successful contests that have been won by Republicans in the recent months. With the pick up of two Governors seats and one Senate seat, the Republican Party has been resurrected. But the close loss by Doug Hoffman for the House race in New York 23 was literally lost by the Republican establishment because they were tone deaf to the People. There are clear messages here for the Democrats, Republicans and an even clearer message for Tea Party Movement. No one can take anything for granted.

With Obama bringing in most of the staff that got him elected in 2008 for the fall elections, you can bet the Democrats will "sound" a lot more "conservative" than they ever have before. The problem is that, they will probably be Bluedogs in name only. Obama still wants to pass all of his agenda. The trick is that you can't trust your ears with this bunch. At this point in our Country's history we need to take a "fool me once, shame on you, fool me 535 times, shame on me" attitude. Politician’s promises mean nothing if you can't trust their word.

The Republican establishment needs to do some real self-examination on their attitudes about Tea Party Candidates. The Elite crowd is still basically in charge at the Republican National Committee (RNC) and those prejudices need to change, and fast. It isn't going to help if there isn't enthusiastic support for the People's choices. Scott Brown was the first contest that we saw the Republican's getting behind the populist candidate. The message is clear for both the Republicans and Democrats: "Listen to the People"!

The Tea Party Movement is raising the cream to the top as far as the trust issue goes. The candidates they have been supporting are offering a conservative message that is closer to the people than ever before. But we must be careful in our desire to see attractive candidates with the right message be thrust to the head of the line without examining the "stubborn facts" of their attitudes on important issues like the Second Amendment and raising taxes. It's easy for a politician to have an election year revelation about an issue that they were previously against.

This is also the year of the everyman or woman. Many Military candidates are running across the Nation. They offer the Tea Party Movement a different view and approach to the issues as they've already been vetted by war and the oath they took. The constant creep of Obama's socialism must be stopped and the Military candidates may be the best avenue to counter the Leftist Thugs in Congress and the Senate.

In any event, this is a bellwether year for the fall elections. Tea Party followers must remain active and resolute in their defense of our Constitution. Look at the candidates with a "new eye". Its time for real people to be Citizen Legislators and go to Washington, and help straighten the mess that this Administration has foisted on the people with the cry, "its Bush's fault"!

The Blame lies at the feet of the Democrats with the Fannie and Freddie mess, the Bank takeovers, Auto takeovers, Student Loan takeovers. They are grabbing power for themselves at an alarming rate. This President and Congress are out of control!  We must take our Country back!

Let's work together to find the best candidates who are closest to the Tea Party ideals. I'd rather have a candidate that agrees with the 912 Principles and Values than to have one who has come to agreement only in an election year.

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