Thursday, January 21, 2010

Help Kansas Rid Ourselves of Kansas Supreme Court Justice Carol Beier

OK Kansas Tea Party Activists, we've seen what can be accomplished by making our voices heard in Massachusetts! 

Let's get off our collective Kansas behinds and get rid of the most liberal justice on the Kansas Supreme Court...
Justice Carol Beier!

She is one of the people responsible for the dismal state of financing in Kansas Public Schools and the ever increasing black hole of funding at the taxpayers expense. Let's reach out to everyone in the state of Kansas and VOTE NO on retention on our ballots in the fall.
Kansas Liberty: 21 August 2009
It's the one election that could really make a difference in Kansas. But one of the court's most aggressively liberal justices likely will get a free pass from Republicans in 2010's retention election.

Republicans won't campaign against Justice Beier in 2010

Critics say she legislates from the bench in matters like school funding, pushes for higher tax rates when she can, backs every liberal cause she can find and uses her seat on the bench to wage personal battles against conservatives she despises — most notably, former Attorney General Phill Kline.

But in 2010, when Kansas Supreme Court Justice Carol Beier comes up for a retention vote — giving voters their only opportunity to release the liberal chokehold on the state Supreme Court — she'll get a wink and a nod from most conservative politicians. And from the state's Republican Party, she's not likely to hear even an unkind word. For them, the burning question is should it be Tiahrt? Or Moran? continue reading...

Isn't it time to better have better representation on the Kansas Supreme Court that is more closely aligned with the views of the majority of people in the State of Kansas?

Also, we need to support Rep Lance Kinzer, R-Olathe, in his battle on how the Supreme Court is appointed.His ideas are noteworthy...

Kansas Legislature likely to debate judicial nomination process in 2010 session

The issue of whether to change the way top state judges are selected will come up again in the 2010 legislative session.
“Our process in Kansas is needlessly closed and unaccountable,” said state Rep. Lance Kinzer, R-Olathe, who said he plans to push for changes when the Legislature convenes in January.
Kinzer said Kansas Supreme Court justices and Court of Appeals judges should be appointed by the governor with state Senate confirmation to life terms without retention elections. This proposal would mirror the system of selecting federal judges.
“The federal system is the best,” Kinzer said.
Under the current system, the governor selects Kansas Supreme Court justices and appellate judges after receiving three nominees for each position from the Supreme Court Nominating Commission. The state Senate is not involved. Each of those selected for those courts face up or down retention elections. Continue reading...
Although this blogger doesn't believe that Justices should necessarily have lifetime appointments, this is an idea that should and must be debated in the Legislature this year!

Come on Kansans let's make our voices heard!

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